by John McDevitt
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Four black-and-white ruffed lemurs that were born two months ago at the Philadelphia Zoo explored their new enclosure with mom and dad near by.
“They climb in different places and do things that humans can’t do,” said 11-year-old Logan Wormuth of the Scranton area, who thought the animals were entertaining.
“Kiaka, our Female, our mom, she is 9 years old and this is her first successful birth, and she is actually our most valuable female in the country as far as genetics and zoos,” said Desiree Brown, the lead primate keeper, “so her babies are very genetically valuable and they will get to go on and live nice, happy lives and have kids themselves”.
The birth of the babies is considered very important in the world conservation. Black-and-white Ruffed Lemurs are listed as critically endangered in the wild because of poaching and habitat loss.